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Just Launched - The Lanterman House Website

I have been working a lot with the Lanterman House lately, partly out of an appreciation for this wonderful local treasure, and partly out of a desire to ensure that the Lanteman Ragtime Tea Dance continues indefinitely.

In aid of this, I have just completed a website for the Lanterman House. It can be found at

Some of the interesting features of this are, as I have done with the Art Deco Society website, a "blog" which the Lanterman Staff can use to update the website with new announcements, without waiting for me to post every little thing. This uses RSS, via a darn useful tool called "Feed2JS" to post updates to the home page in a bulleted list, with summaries.

Also, I have set up the "Volunteers Calendar" to link to an interesting Google application called "" which is a social networking calendar site. The Feed2JS RSS parser points to an RSS feed for the location "Lanterman House", so that anything that is posted to the calendar with a location of "Lanterman House" also posts to the home page.

The director can also use this same tool to "invite" selected people to things like volunteer meetings.

Since it is an open, "social networking" tool, it is open to abuse, but I am hoping that the venue is obscure enough that it will be left alone by the bastards who are doing their best to ruin the internet for everyone, but if it isn't--then I will just have to find another tool.