Walter's Random Musings
Web Stuff - Building a Library Catalog Search Page with RSS Display
I recently built a web page to demonstrate an easy way to create a search form you can drop onto any web page that will search your library's online catalog.
The form is accessing the EOS International Sales Department's demonstration catalog. The same model, by changing the specific names, values and URLs, can be used to access many other SQL based online databases.
It also includes a demonstration of and link to one of my favorite tools, "Feed2JS", which takes RSS feeds and turns them into web content.
Victorian Dance
An Analysis of Country Dancing - 1808
The Full title is "An analysis of country dancing: wherein are displayed all the figures ever used in country dances, in a way so easy and familiar, that persons of the meanest capacity may in a short time acquire (without the aid of a master) a complete knowledge of that rational and polite amusement. To which are added, instructions for dancing some entire new reels; together with the rules, regulations, and complete etiquette of the ball room. By Thomas Wilson ... Embellished and illustrated with engravings on wood, by J. Berryman."
"Mr Nelson's System of Simplified Regency Dance"
I am a man on a mission. My mission is to establish a basic level of historical understanding in what we refer to as "Regency Dance". The current state of things in Regency Dance is, from a historical perspective, pretty dismal. In all but a very few places, the terms "Regency Dance" and "English Country Dance" are more or less interchangeable, with a slight concession that, if you are calling it a Regency Dance, you should probably keep the number of recently created dances to a minimum. The steps and stylings that gave the Country Dance of the Regency its character are entirely dispensed with, and people walk through the choreographies without any notion of what could be.
Queen Mary Art Deco Gala 2010
Historical Picnicking in the San Fernando Valley
I had a very interesting chat with the supervising ranger at Los Encinos State Historic Park where I volunteer. I was talking to him about yesterday's Will Rogers Jazz Age Picnic, and he was saying he was very keen on similar costumed "flash mobs" descending on Los Encinos.
What is Not a Goat Sucker? - A Logical Conundrum
Last month there was a bit of bruhaha over the discovery of two amazingly ugly dead critters who were breathlessly identified in the media as "chupacabras".
The "cooler heads" then quickly moved in and pooh-poohed the idea that the nasty things were the legendary goat suckers. "You poor benighted rednecks. They are not chupacabras" they declared, "they are in fact hairless mangy coyotes".
Looking for a Ragtime Sugar Daddy (or Mama)
For something like a decade now, we have had a very nice ragtime tea dance in the Lanterman House in La Canada/Flintridge. Ian Whitcomb has provided the music, and the Locke - Noble Tea Company provided the tea, and 50-60 people have had a very nice afternoon in the ballroom of the 1915 Craftsman house.
Video of the June 2010 Social Daunce Irregulars Victorian Ball
This video features music (and vocals) by the Band of the California Battalion.
This was held on Saturday, June 5th 2010 at the South Pasadena War Memorial Hall.
Website for the Social Daunce Irregulars:
Website for the Band of the California Battalion
The Impressionists' Picnic, 2010