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Tories: ‘Burn down country, claim National Insurance money’

News Biscuit - Wed, 09/08/2021 - 7:00am

National Insurance contributions are being increased, in a move likely to be popular with Conservatives, as it disproportionately targets the young and lower earners, two groups least able to pay and who would be insufficiently targeted by tax rises. Tax rises are triggering for Tories as they can lead to wealthier people paying more and even election defeats. Cries of ‘Oh yeah, stick it in my veins’ could clearly be heard emerging from 1922 Committee types all over Westminster.

Tory intern Henry Hootington-Hurst snorted: ‘An essential piece of Johnsonian disaster capitalism is that you need to cause as many disasters as possible. This Tory government is doing its best to burn the country to the ground so that we can claim National Insurance money. That’s how it works, right? Increased social care? No, that doesn’t sound very ‘on-brand’ for us.’


Image:  ArtTower/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

City of London promises to re-wild itself

News Biscuit - Wed, 09/08/2021 - 4:00am

Jeremy Bayer, leader of the City of London Council, has declared to a shocked Zoom audience (some of whom were awake) that in order to achieve net zero it will be necessary to stop all flood defence activity. With the aid of rising sea levels he expected the whole area to regenerate very quickly providing a colossal bonus in salary for himself as government carbon reduction targets were exceeded.

‘No one lives here anymore anyway’ he said. ‘The city is like a doughnut, all the best bits are on the outside’. Other benefits include a huge reduction in road rage incidents due to the new mud and peat bogs, elimination of knife crime as the blades rust away and wailing sirens replaced by the haunting cry of the curlew above the windswept moor.


Image:  PhoenixRisingStock/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

NATO allies agree to tut and shake heads at Russia

News Biscuit - Wed, 09/08/2021 - 2:00am

After Germany said that there was “unequivocal proof” that Alexei Navalny was poisoned with Novichok the members of NATO have unanimously agreed to tut and shake their heads at Russia in response.

The use of a military grade nerve agent in the poisoning of an opposition politician points strongly toward the involvement of the Russian state, and the tutting and shaking of heads of NATO countries represents the strongest action yet taken against Vladimir Putin’s regime.

A motion for even more drastic measures, that would have involved members rolling their eyes and muttering under their breath, was defeated in a second vote after being deemed too confrontational.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson condemned the latest attack as “outrageous”, before adding “The Russian government must now explain what happened to Mr Navalny. Once we receive that explanation, no matter how far-fetched it may be, we will accept it without question and apologise profusely to Mr Putin for wasting his time.”

“Maybe the German doctors have mistaken an allergic reaction for Novichok poisoning? Maybe it was them who poisoned him? Or maybe it was all the work of a mutant algorithm. You can have that one for free Vlad.”

While all of the NATO members have been united in their condemnation of the poisoning and their resolve to show mild disapproval toward Russia, Donald Trump has so far been very quiet on the issue.

It is understood this is because he has been checking with Pentagon chiefs whether the US has any Novichok of their own, has been searching on Google for “how to poison political opponents and get away with it”, and also looking into Joe Biden’s upcoming schedule.

Categories: Fake News

Channel 4 smashes world record for getting interviewees to blub

News Biscuit - Tue, 09/07/2021 - 11:00pm

Channel 4 presenters and broadcasters have been honing their skills during the Paralympics and have perfected the rapid interviewee emotional collapse. Regardless of the circumstances and whether the person being interviewed is elated or suffering extreme distress, Channel 4 producers push their talent to the limits and refuse to cut away until those tears come a-flooding. Their tenacity has earned them a world beating 14 in a row, a total haul of 83 during the month, and a sub-two-second face melt, even accounting for the video link time delay to Japan.

Tear-inducing specialist anchor Cathy Newman has years of experience in getting people to well up, even if there is no apparent reason for them to do so.

‘I was speaking live on Channel 4 News to a middle-aged man from Lincoln who had grown the biggest carrot you have ever seen,’ she said. ‘He seemed in control and showed no overt signs of emotion, but I sensed there was a cry button I could press. I pushed him on the fact that a gardener in Cheshire had just grown a whopping parsnip that made his carrot look pathetic, and then repeatedly hit him with rapid-fire statements about his feeble prowess and obvious inadequacy. He folded like a popped bouncy castle and crumbled into a shoulder-shaking mess. 46 seconds flat. Get in. Cost Krishnan Guru-Murthy a monkey that did.’

Following her success in this field, Newman was put in charge of training the Channel 4 sports journalists on how to get Paralympians bawling within moments.

‘It’s been a punishing schedule, but Clare Balding mastered the art of picking up on the slightest voice crack. She’s a natural. She could pull it off regardless of whether it was an imperious victory or a crushing defeat. Add to that the pressure heaped on athletes that we might spring their families on them via a live link at any moment … well that meant even the lovely Lee McKenzie managed to get the most emotionally stable Paralympians to bawl like fountains. And no one had to threaten anyone with having Jon Snow shriek “Cry, you bitch!” at them.’


Image:  Victoria_Borodinova/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

What to do in a ‘bag for life or death’ situation

News Biscuit - Tue, 09/07/2021 - 7:00am

Shopper Karolina Krychowiak has accidentally used a Sainsbury’s bag for life at a branch of Tesco, breaking the supermarket honour code. ‘As a Polish woman, I’m depressingly familiar with getting looks from racists, but when I got that orange bag out for my meal deal, it was like when the masked gunslinger bursts through the saloon doors and the piano player stops. Luckily I used the self-service till otherwise things might have got tasty, unlike my meal deal,’ she confirmed.

A Tesco source said ‘This kind of provocation will not stand. We will find her and we will cut her food bills by 5%.’

Youssef Younis said ‘As a British Asian I’m depressingly familiar with getting looks from racists but pulling out a Waitrose bag in Aldi felt like I’d deliberately attracted the attention of a crowd of zombies to tear me limb from limb.’

Aldi’s middle aisle sometimes sells an undead uprising survival kit. An Aldi spokesman shuffled forward, murmuring ‘Braaaaiins’.


Image:  cocoparisienne/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Covid welcomes relaxation of restrictions on Covid

News Biscuit - Tue, 09/07/2021 - 4:00am

In a prepared statement, coronavirus has spoke of his relief to be getting out and about after the restrictions on movement were lifted: ‘It’s been a long tough summer. And I haven’t been able to attend as many festivals as I hoped. Vaccines? Well, I’d be lying if I said they made me feel a bit unwelcome. But clearly the relaxed protections mean you missed me all along.’

‘I’m pleased they’ve removed Covid precautions at schools. It’s just great to see all those smiling – maskless – faces. Next, let’s get rid of all that boring hand-washing, okay? I’m particularly grateful to all those businesses that insisted their staff should be onsite – you’ve definitely got your priorities right. I’m just happy to be visiting relatives … your relatives, their relatives, anyone’s relatives really. I’m just a people person.’


Image:  syaibatuhamdi/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Premier League to become giant game of table football

News Biscuit - Tue, 09/07/2021 - 2:00am

Preparing for the possibility of a second wave of COVID 19, the Premier League has drawn up plans to allow players to remain socially distant on the pitch, by lining them up in rows of three and four, skewering them with a metal pole, and then having them repeatedly spun through 360 degrees towards the ball from the sidelines.

‘It will also be a completely immersive experience for the fans’ explained Premier League chief Richard Masters ‘In the grand tradition of table football, each team will be controlled by a drunken, deluded student who earnestly believes that winning the game will gain him unlimited access to the pants of any girl watching.’

It’s understood that the Premier League evaluated a number of possible options. One official explained ‘Our initial idea was to create a giant game of blow football, but the sheer volume of spittle generated would have been inappropriate in the current climate.’

‘Then we thought about glueing each player to a semi circular base and have fans flick them towards the ball. Unfortunately during a trial run, Harry Kane got trodden on and someone’s dog ate Jamie Vardy so we went with the table football plan instead’

Other sports are also understood to be following suit. Contractors are believed to be digging two enormous grooves into the track at Monza in advance of next week’s Italian Grand Prix. The cars can then be controlled from the pitlane with a sort of mini hairdryer shaped thing before flying off the track and falling to bits at the very first corner.

Categories: Fake News

Afghans call in US airlift for colicky Labrador as Taliban mortar rounds land

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/06/2021 - 11:00pm

Afghan villagers, surrounded and under heavy fire from Taliban extremists, were delighted to hear the steady thrumb of a US Apache helicopter growing ever louder. The noise meant their desperate calls for help had been heard; that someone out there cared, and a heroic rescue mission was in place. The village chief hurried to the cellar of the one stone building, the safest place now that mortar shells were detonating and blasting shrapnel through huddles of women and children.

He dragged the sandbags aside to enter the dark cellar, calling to those gathered within to prepare Snoop for evacuation. Snoop heard his voice, his understanding of the situation evident as he beat the floor with his tail, ears pricked with joy. It had been a tough few days for Snoop; whatever he’d scavenged from the bins behind the school clearly hadn’t agreed with him in a big way – first the retching, then the vomiting, and for the last two days some really evil smelling diarrhoea had left him feeling right off his usual dog biscuits and seriously reluctant to go on anything like his normal walks.

Obviously the whole village were desperately anxious as his motions stubbornly refused to normalise, and he even turned his nose up at some dilute Bovril. Tummy upsets like this became much harder to shake off once Labradors reached advanced years, like the 15-year-old Snoop.

Sturdy, brave tribesmen gathered, resolute and determined, to raise Snoop’s dog crate on a stretcher and race through the falling heavy ordnance to the dusty clearing where the US chopper was screaming in to land. Barely had the landing skids touched the floor they sprinted out with Snoop and bundled his crate aboard into its hold (where, of course, people cannot go). Mere seconds after landing, it lifted off again, the rescue complete; the Afghan villagers all followed its path towards the horizon with tear stained eyes – though they knew that their chances of survival at the hands of the brutal Taliban warlords were negligible, at least Snoop would be in safe hands and that, of course, was the main thing.


Image:  kingmaphotos/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Convicted terrorist takes precaution of being white

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/06/2021 - 7:00am

A Nazi sympathiser who has been convicted of possessing bomb-making instructions and a wealth of racist literature has been sentenced to a severe tutting at Leicester Crown Court. In a savage gesture, the judge was seen to wag his finger at the defendant for several seconds, while sucking on his teeth before suggesting that the defendant engaged in some light reading to think about the naughty things he had done.

Among the suggested classics he may have to read are Dickens, Austen, Hardy and Trollope, who are are all known for including characters of colour and themes of racial reconciliation. One local student said: ‘I have to read Dickens and Austen for my English GCSE. Are you saying I could have got the same punishment for promoting racial hatred and building IEDs?’


Image:  Erich_rg/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Chanel gives up Number 5 for Cristiano Ronaldo

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/06/2021 - 4:00am

Manchester United forward Edinson Cavani has relinquished the number 7 on the back of his football shirt so that people can recognise the otherwise unrecognisable Cristiano Ronaldo. Without the number 7 beneath the name Ronaldo on his back, many feared they might mistake the world famous Portuguese international footballer for someone else. Thanks to the selfless and heroic gesture by Cavani, any possibility of CR7 brand recognition failure is now limited to Thornton Heath near Croydon.

Inspired by Cavani’s generosity and Boots offering to give up number 7 as well, smelly women-maskers Chanel have now offered the prestigious number 5 to Ronaldo. This has led to a domino effect of numbers being given to the sporting superstar, who many assumed to be suffering from a dangerous digit deficiency. An unnamed mobile phone network has offered the number 3, and toddlers going potty have said that Cristiano can have as many number 2s as he likes. A bitter dispute has escalated between sudoku and the emergency services telephone number over who gets to gift the number 9. But the Redhill to Guildford bus route is certain that Ronaldo will be more impressed with the number 32 than any other digits being handed to him.


Image:  OpenClipart- Vectors/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Government to introduce new quarantine randomiser

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/06/2021 - 2:00am

In an attempt to simplify the current quarantine shambles, Westminster has taken the step of abandoning the national definitions, replacing it with an arbitrarily applied quarantine “sentence” at point of entry into the UK. Each individual arriving in the country will be required to spin the Wheel of Misfortune to determine what – if any – isolation action they should undertake, regardless of where their journey started, tell-tale symptoms or CV test results.

“It makes all the administration so much easier” said a government spokesman “We no longer have to track all those troublesome statistics or face the damaging effect on our approval rating of cancelling yet another air-bridge at ridiculously short notice”. When queried about the arbitrary nature of this new policy, he indicated that ‘extensive research’ from the PMs advisors showed that in the long term, the nett effect on the country would be ‘more or less’ minimal, probably.

Under the new scheme, there will be winners and losers : Ahmed, a 31 year old teenage refugee from Libya, freshly arrived at Wittering Sands, was ‘gutted’ to find that he would be facing two weeks isolation in a sea-front hotel in Rhyl : whereas Dave Oldham celebrated wife Karen’s ten-day quarantine in a migrant reception centre with a fist pump and cries of “back on the lash!”

Owners of the Wheel of Fortune game-show franchise are to sue HMG for breach of format and loss of earnings.

Categories: Fake News

Craft brewer comes full circle with beer-flavoured beer

News Biscuit - Sun, 09/05/2021 - 11:00pm

Colin Anderson, craft brewer and head of product development at the ArtisanAle Brewery, has highlighted the constant pressure he and his team have been under to remain on the cutting edge of the ever-expanding craft beer boom. The veritable explosion of craft beers has meant that dark chocolate, coffee, jaffa cakes, oatmeal, peanut butter, creme eggs and flavoured crisps have all had their moments in the spotlight – and, with lagers masquerading as porters, porters pretending to to be dessert toppings and the Wonka-ish ‘roast dinner in a glass’, there is a constant search to provide the next ‘flavour bomb’.

‘When we first looked at the market, fruit decoctions, derivatives and infusions were pretty much played out,’ Anderson said. ‘The Belgians have ploughed through most of the common ones, and anything remotely citrus is a no-brainer. We then starting using herbs and vegetables, including our award-winning Cavolo Nero IPA ‘Kal-El’, but still the wheels keep turning.’

In a desperate bid to remain ahead of the game, he had started randomly grabbing items out of his kitchen cupboards in the hope of generate new flavour combinations – ArtisanAle’s new Marmite and Tamarind Cloudy Pale Ale and Granola Stout both arose from this approach – but this still did not seem to be enough. Unable to rest on his laurels (‘Bay IPA? Been there, got the tee-shirt’), he started to investigate various extreme botanicals, resulting in clashes with the Board over his proposed development of foxglove and hemlock infused sours.

‘This was when I was at my lowest ebb – my pursuit of cutting-edge flavour had overtaken me like a mania,’ Anderson said. ‘Everything I looked at I examined as a potential new taste sensation. Flowers, spices, fabric, furniture, all we’re fair game. It’s only when I found myself pitching a gingham and waxed pine stout to my horrified team that I realised I needed therapy.’

Ten months on and he back with a vengeance – and a new angle. ‘We’ve had citrussy beers, beers for people who don’t like beers, the growth in lambics, gueuze, Mars and faro appealing to a wider audience, but the the largely untouched market is the ‘traditional’ drinkers in this country: the Bass aficionado, the Timothy Taylor toper, the Harveys guzzler and so on. To this end we will be looking at creating a series of classic beer-flavoured beers to tempt this sector. Exciting times…’


Image:  Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Quantum mechanics only for the small minded

News Biscuit - Sun, 09/05/2021 - 4:21am
Categories: Fake News

Entire UK placed on suicide watch after ABBA release new album

News Biscuit - Sun, 09/05/2021 - 4:00am

NHS chiefs have raised concerns as the health risk posed by the release of the Swedish pop legends new album reached unprecedented levels.

The government is now scrambling to issue key NHS workers with thousands of tight-fitting spandex face masks.

It’s been over 45 years since the Waterloo virus ran riot through Europe and the S number (Sequin) rose to a record 3.7. It was thought to have been entirely suppressed by 1982, although the Dancing Queen mutation is still occasionally active, with outbreaks mostly confined to wedding receptions.

Pant-suited Professor Hans Andersson, a member of the government’s SPI-M modelling group, said the outlook was terrifyingly bleak. ‘Many people still suffer from “Long Abba” years after being exposed to its many mutations. The particularly infectious Mama Mia musical strain of the virus, for example, hospitalised thousands. All our data suggests that the unfortunate release of this new virus could, I’m afraid, be an extinction-level event.’

Categories: Fake News

iPhone5s buyers directed straight to queue for iPhone6

News Biscuit - Sun, 09/05/2021 - 2:00am

Excited buyers of Apple’s flagship new iPhone5S in Oxford Street were delighted to be directed straight to an exclusive queue for the iPhone 6 immediately after their purchase.

‘The new iPhone 5S isn’t just the greatest smartphone of all time. It’s also your ticket to get first in line for the new iPhone 6,’ said store manager Damian Walsh, ushering new owners of the £549 gadget to the start of a five-mile obstacle course of tensile barriers on a circuitous route back to the front of the store, which will be their home for the next year. ‘Sure, the queue has no food, shelter, or toilet facilities. But did Steve Jobs stop to worry about those things when he was creating the legend that is Apple?’

Clutching his still-boxed iPhone5S, which cost him half of his month’s salary, Apple devotee Craig Flack commented: ‘Wow! I spent four days queuing in the pouring rain to get my hands on the iPhone5S, but I never dreamed that I’d get the added bonus of being one of the first to queue up to purchase the iPhone 6! Come to think of it, I’m a little embarrassed to be seen with this now outdated model.’ Flack was later seen holding his head in his hands and tossing an unopened white package into a nearby bin, before hurrying off to join the rapidly growing queue, which industry analysts believe will remain in situ for at least the next year while Apple design and manufacture the device.

Asked what he thought about customers who declined the offer to queue up immediately after their purchase for the sixth edition of the iPhone, Walsh commented: ‘Whatever. They’ll be sorry in two months’ time when the screen on their iPhone5S has cracked, their apps are no longer supported and the battery life has reduced to half an hour. Then we’ll see how cool they look with their so called ‘smartphones’. Dickheads.’

Categories: Fake News

ITV 2 in highbrow archaeology show shock

News Biscuit - Sat, 09/04/2021 - 11:00pm

Media experts have been left reeling today after ITV 2 announced it is to commission and broadcast a new show that will examine famous archaeological sites and what we learnt from them.

A channel spokesman said: ‘We thought we’d try something a little different as an experiment. Some say it’s time to spread our wings and grow up as a broadcaster.’

But twenty something couple Jayden and Shaneece Reece from Tooting aren’t happy at the prospect of watching a programme that’s neither a docusoap nor “reality” show on their channel of choice.

‘We like fings like TOWIE and Made in Chelsea, yeah? We don’t know naffink about Egyptian mummies and old Romans ruins, and that,’ said Shaneece.  ‘Although if the show’s makers could guarantee lots of tits and bums somehow and maybe introduce a phone-in voting system I’d be up for giving it a go,’ added Jayden.

However ITV 2 has been quick to reassure its core audience the normal torrent of tasteless and tawdry shite will still make up 99.99% of the channels output.

‘I can assure our viewers that we are not about to go all arty-farty and highbrow on them. This is something we are trying, just to ring the changes and maybe help keep Ofcom at bay,’ said the spokesman.

‘In addition to the new archaeology show we have commissioned a new 8-part series in the Autumn called, When Cock Enlargements and Arse Implants Go Wrong, scheduled to hit the screens in the run up to Christmas.’

Categories: Fake News
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