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December 24, 2006

The Future (or lack thereof) of LAHA

For the better part of the last ten years, while I have been running LAHA and all it's activities (vintage dances, living histories etc.), I have had an arrangement with my employer to work 90% time. This has given me one day off every two weeks to attend to the all the details of these activities.

Alas, that is no longer the case. My employer has now put me on 100% time, which has actually translates to something more like 120% time. I no longer have the time and energy to do this--and while I think I have done a pretty good job of creating successful events, what I have not done is build an organization that has the depth to run itself.

2007 will be LAHA's final year, but fear not--the events and website you have come to rely on will continue.

Here's the plan:

Continue reading "The Future (or lack thereof) of LAHA"

Posted by Walter at 08:14 AM | Comments (1)

December 22, 2006

Another Event Sold Out

If you are on our email list, you know by now that the Social Daunce Irregulars ball is, as of this writing, sold out. This follows the Lanterman Tea and Avalon Ball selling out, preceded by the SDI Ball in June selling out (and let's not forget the Jane Austen Evening in January)--and yet people are still surprised. Every new "sell out" creates dozens of personal crises out there in the big world.

Continue reading "Another Event Sold Out"

Posted by Walter at 09:37 AM | Comments (3)