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Updated: 7 years 9 weeks ago

Defensive Space Analysis Tool (DSPAT): Version 2.0

Fri, 01/05/2018 - 2:00am
This user's manual explains how to employ Defensive Space Analysis Tool (DSPAT) within a game-theoretic framework for assessing the potential deterrent value, escalation risks, and political costs of alternative space control options. This manual describes the tool; guides users through the processes of opening, populating, and running it; and explains how to interpret its outputs.
Categories: Defense Policy

Gaming Space: A Game-Theoretic Methodology for Assessing the Deterrent Value of Space Control Options

Fri, 01/05/2018 - 2:00am
This report introduces and explains a game-theoretic methodology to help decisionmakers assess the potential effects of alternative approaches to space control. Specifically, we sought to develop a methodology to identify those defensive space control options that would likely contribute to deterrence without increasing political costs and risks of escalation.
Categories: Defense Policy

Assessing Bid Protests of U.S. Department of Defense Procurements: Identifying Issues, Trends, and Drivers

Thu, 01/04/2018 - 7:30am
Bid protests have been a feature of the U.S. defense acquisition environment for decades. In recent years, the bid protest process has come under increased scrutiny. In response, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 called for a "comprehensive study on the prevalence and impact of bid protests on DoD acquisitions," including the systematic collection and analysis of the characteristics of bid protests and their outcomes.
Categories: Defense Policy

Air Force Non-Rated Technical Training: Opportunities for Improving Pipeline Processes

Mon, 12/18/2017 - 1:15am
In recent years the U.S. Air Force has faced persistent resource constraints while trying to deliver necessary training to its officer and enlisted forces. The Air Force therefore asked RAND Project AIR FORCE (PAF) to identify opportunities for optimizing processes at all levels of the nonrated technical training pipeline. This report presents PAF's assessment and recommends process and policy changes that could improve efficiency.
Categories: Defense Policy

Airpower in Counter-Terrorist Operations: Balancing Objectives and Risks

Wed, 12/06/2017 - 3:00am
Overview and analysis of harnessing airpower in counter-terrorist operations.
Categories: Defense Policy

Accelerating the Transition of Technologies Created through the U.S. Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research Program

Thu, 11/16/2017 - 6:30am
This dissertation gains to understand the contextual effects on the success of the transition of technologies generated through the U.S. Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research program.
Categories: Defense Policy

Air Force Installation Energy Assurance: An Assessment Framework

Mon, 11/06/2017 - 4:30am
Air Force mission success is increasingly dependent on assured access to electricity. A number of factors can interrupt supply of electric power, including natural disasters, accidents, and deliberate interference. The authors present a framework to assess energy assurance at Air Force installations.
Categories: Defense Policy

Air Force Officer Management Flexibilities: Modeling Potential Policies

Wed, 10/11/2017 - 1:00am
This report assesses the effect that proposed military human resource management flexibilities could have on Air Force officer accessions, promotions, separations, and other force management outcomes. The assessments identified flexibilities that would benefit the Air Force and characterized subsets of the military workforce to which they could be advantageously applied.
Categories: Defense Policy

Assessing Russian Reactions to U.S. and NATO Posture Enhancements

Tue, 10/10/2017 - 12:45am
Heightened tensions between Russia and NATO since 2014 have prompted the Alliance to take a fresh look at NATO's ability to deter potential Russian aggression. In this report, RAND researchers develop a framework that analysts can use to assess likely Russian reactions to ongoing and proposed NATO posture enhancements in Europe, which can help policymakers determine the utility and advisability of different options.
Categories: Defense Policy

Air Force Senior Leader Representation in the Joint Community

Tue, 10/03/2017 - 3:30am
Airmen are underrepresented in senior joint positions critical to shaping U.S. national security strategy and warfighting capability. Increasing competitiveness for senior joint positions may entail risks and will require cultural transformation.
Categories: Defense Policy