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‘Being shaken by the lapels has damaged my health’ says Eastenders’ Ian Beale

News Biscuit - Thu, 08/05/2021 - 2:00am

Eastenders stalwart, Adam Woodyatt, who plays Ian Beale in the long-running soap, has revealed that he has been diagnosed with early-stage dementia due to having been regularly seized by the lapels and shaken violently by various co-stars throughout his 70 years playing the divisive character.

It is estimated that Woodyatt, 87, has been shaken by the lapels more than 3000 times by over 50 characters, including, Dirty Den, both Mitchell brothers, Nasty Nick, and even, on one memorable occasion, by Dot Cotton after he attempted to avoid paying for a service wash in the launderette.

Woodyatt told the Radio Times:  ‘I noticed that I’d been forgetting my lines recently and was having trouble remembering where I’d parked the car.  On the advice of friends, I visited my GP who broke the news that I have early-stage dementia due to being shaken all the time.  I suppose it’s a bit like Shaken Baby Syndrome for older people.  I haven’t started wandering off during the night in my dressing gown and slippers just yet, but it won’t be long before I do I don’t suppose’.

An Eastenders insider said last night:  ‘I’m sorry to hear that Adam’s in shit state, but that’s the price you can expect to pay for playing an irritating fucknut like Beale.

Categories: Fake News

Terry Pratchett ‘never liked fantasy’ says journalist who never read his books

News Biscuit - Wed, 08/04/2021 - 11:00pm

Despite his words, actions, testimony of friends and family, many now believe that the author of 41 Discworld novels, had nothing to do with the SciFi/Fantasy genre. Said one journalist: ‘I’ve researched him thoroughly and can confirm he never wrote The Lord of the Rings.

‘I’ll go further. I don’t believe there is any evidence that he knew how to write or that his name was Pratchett. And if I’m wrong why doesn’t he say so. And don’t use the excuse that he’s been dead since 2015. That means nothing’.

An alarming number of journalists and commentators have been co-opting dead people to support their spurious arguments. Said one: ‘Oscar Wilde was anti-LGBTQ+. How do I know? Ouija board’.

Meanwhile Pratchett most famous work ‘The Colour of Magic’ was dismissed as containing no reference to fantasy whatsoever. Remarked one smug journalist: ‘It’s not as if it has magic in the title.’

Categories: Fake News

Sacked high jumper clears his desk

News Biscuit - Wed, 08/04/2021 - 1:58pm
Categories: Fake News

‘Desperate’ World Health Boffins Seek Guidance From Facebook Headbanger

News Biscuit - Wed, 08/04/2021 - 7:00am

The beleaguered World Health Organisation have sought advice on battling the covid-19 health emergency from an opinionated, know-nothing ponce with a Facebook page who regularly regales his meagre readership with unsubstantiated tripe about vaccine efficacy, anti-lockdown initiatives and the role of Bill Gates in turning vaccinated people into magnetised automatons with the ability to send and receive Bluetooth.

A WHO spokesman told newsmen last night: “We are extremely concerned by the various strains of coronavirus that seem to be mutating into ever-more virulent manifestations.

“With our scientists at a loss and our medical experts at their lowest ebb, we have decided to ask for help from a feeble-minded, conspiracy fucknut from Facebook.

“Hopefully, he’ll be able to put us straight on the futility of deploying a vaccine programme worldwide and steer us onto a more clear-headed path that involves Tom Hanks, Covid-19 5G lamppost-based transmitters, and urging people to attend mass bleach-drinking rallies across the globe.”

This latest volte-face comes just a week after Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, issued a directive, urging Brits to push homoeopathic capsules containing grass cuttings up each other’s bottoms if they start losing their sense of taste and smell as previously suggested by somebody’s Aunty Beryl on Twitter.


Danny Soz

Categories: Fake News

Tories Launch Their Latest Sizzling Summer of Sleaze

News Biscuit - Wed, 08/04/2021 - 4:00am

To mark the start of August’s ‘silly season’, the Conservative Party has unveiled its annual Super Summer Sleaze Spectacular to entertain the news-starved public.

“They’re a bit like Christmas pantomimes,” said party chairman and fundraising mogul Ben Elliot, “except they’re not that funny and they never have a happy ending.

“As usual, the anti-hero is Prince Charmless. Quintessentially, he is a sneering, money-minded toff who thinks that the common rules of behaviour shouldn’t apply to chaps like him. I’m playing that part after a superb run by Lord Michael Ashcroft.

“Then there’s the comedy villain Thurrilibad – a super-rich Middle Eastern businessman with a history of dubious financial deals and an iffy dress sense. This character is always under the hilarious delusion that meeting Prince Charles or having a question asked in parliament will somehow double his fortune. Mohamed Amersi is making his debut in this role after a magnificent series of performances by Mohamed al Fayed.”

In keeping with an age-old tradition, this year’s Summer Sleaze plot revolves around the Conservative Party raising millions of pounds for its coffers by connecting squillionaires with government ministers at its secret masked balls and no one getting prosecuted for it afterwards.

“Look out for the show’s sad sack, Boris Hardup of Chequers Hall,” continued Elliot. “He’s the one who comes on and says: ‘Where’s my cut? Hang it all, I’m the one who’s going to be getting the blame for all this! Why didn’t I get any squillions?’

“The Tory Summer of Sleaze is a sop we like to throw to the taxpaying plebs,” sneered Elliot. “It gives them the chance to boo and hiss the ruling party to their hearts’ delight and then forget all about it until the next scandal erupts, which will be some time before Christmas.”

Categories: Fake News

New series of ‘I’m a Celebrity’ will be set in Calais

News Biscuit - Wed, 08/04/2021 - 2:00am

Sources from ITV have confirmed rumours that the channel’s new series of ‘I’m a Celebrity get me out of here!’ is to be set on the outskirts of Calais. ‘This is a variation on a theme; usually we send our celebs to Australia but this new jungle that has sprung up in Calais provides our stars with plenty of challenges’ said a spokesman.

The contestants will be placed in an abandoned building about 3 miles from the town’s centre and will face the usual endurance tests only with a twist.

‘The celebs will face the usual deprivations but instead of sleeping bags, our usually pampered celebs will have to sleep on mouldy old mattresses and use old carrier bags to collect water.’ said the spokesman.

The viewers will vote which star they wish to vote out of the hell hole every couple of nights and they will get the opportunity to escape by attempting to get back into the UK by any means possible. Part-time glamour model Linzi Chambers has today revealed that she had been approached for the series but had refused claiming that clinging onto the underside of a lorry for dear life for six hours would ‘ruin her nails’.

‘It’s this aspect that may need a rethink’ said critics of the new show. ‘Perhaps they’ll take some desperate but hard-working migrant and deport the celeb who’s only famous only for sleeping with a Premiership footballer. Now that might be worth watching.’

S J Roe

Categories: Fake News

Post-event interviews with Olympians to include general knowledge round

News Biscuit - Tue, 08/03/2021 - 11:00pm

Interviews with Olympic competitors conducted immediately after they’ve finished their race, swim, row or any other event will now include general knowledge, science and geography questions, the BBC announced today, in an attempt to make the excruciating encounters less predictable.

The news comes after concerns were raised that interviewees were increasingly able to anticipate the questions they were going to be asked by trackside reporters, and were able to rely on a stock bank of answers about how they were feeling, what the Olympics meant to them, or whether they could have done anything differently.

‘Some of the answers given by breathless and emotional GB athletes less then a minute after they’ve either just fulfilled their lifetime dream or had their expectations cruelly crushed in front of millions are remarkably similar’, said a BBC spokesperson. ‘Gave it everything I had, hasn’t sunk in yet, I just blew it, thanks for all the support back home. It’s as if they’re all copying each other. The format needs a total overhaul’.

‘Duncan Scott may have just become the most decorated GB Olympian at a single games, but can he tell us what’s the second highest mountain in the Andes, whilst still dripping wet, exhausted and unable to string a sentence together?’ said the spokesperson. ‘360 degree backflips on a BMX are all well and good but does Charlotte Worthington know what the longest running musical theatre show is in the West End? The nation needs to know.’

Richard Osman has been brought in as a consultant to turn things into a workable quiz format. Rumours that former Going for Gold host Henry Kelly will soon be taking over from Matthew Pinsent, Sharon Davies and others in shoving a microphone in front of peoples faces are said to be unfounded.

Categories: Fake News

‘Crime levels down for fourth consecutive month’ boasts Priti Patel

News Biscuit - Tue, 08/03/2021 - 7:00am

The daily number of crimes committed by people across the UK has fallen for the fourth month in a row revealed Home Secretary Priti Patel. Both petty crime and organised crime are now at their lowest level since records began.
Figures show that since emergency switchboard operators were told not to answer any incoming calls the number of reported crimes has fallen dramatically.  Other initiatives have also helped in seeing crime levels fall.
Police officers have been told they must not leave the police station at any time and all squad cars must be immobilised as a precaution against attending a crime scene.
But PM Boris Johnson has urged people to remain cautious saying that despite the encouraging statistics the fight against crime is not over. The latest figures do not include the days since lockdown restrictions were lifted but the PM did not think this would make the slightest bit of difference.
‘We have asked all police officers to cover their ears and sing lalalalala very loudly. This should prevent any chance of them hearing such things as a burglar or car alarm or screams for help from a stab victim’ said the PM
By ignoring reports of criminal activity the UK is now the safest place in the world.
Not one crime has been recorded since mid July which shows our policy of putting our fingers in our ears is working.
And at no extra cost to the taxpayer.
Those who try to report crimes are “selfish” and would be barred from some future events like shopping, leaving the house or visiting loved ones.
Plans to introduce a crime passport to show that a person has not reported a crime for over seven consecutive days have been criticised by Labour who say it will lead to a two-tier justice system and would hit the poorest in society the hardest.
Boris Johnson – using a comedy umbrella as yet another another blindingly obvious distraction technique – simply raised his thumbs and smirked.

Categories: Fake News

‘We won’t let our kids have i-pads’ and other hilarious plans of parents-to-be

News Biscuit - Tue, 08/03/2021 - 6:54am

Deluded parents-to-be are making hilarious plans, blissfully unaware of the absolute sh*t-show awaiting them – here are our favourites:

1. “We won’t let our kids have i-pads, it’s so sad to see kids glued to screens all the time”
WRONG: Screens are fuc*king brilliant and if you want any chance of doing anything without your child being a total tw*t you need to get them one.

2. “Our child won’t have sweets, they’ll eat organic raisins instead”
NOPE: Like crack addicts, kids will sell their soul for a hit of the Haribo. Only a fool would stand in their way.

3. “We will discipline our kids through open dialogue setting expectations, boundaries and consequences”
NOT A CHANCE: The only discipline related dialogue you need is ‘If you do X you can have a biscuit’ and ‘If you don’t stop Y I’m telling Father Christmas”.

4. “Our little one won’t sleep in our bed, I need my eight hours!”
NEWSFLASH: Kids give zero shits about your needs, least of all any sleep-related ones. It will rapidly become apparent that getting kicked in the head in your own bed in marginally preferable to sleeping on your child’s bedroom floor like an abuse victim cowering at the hands of your captor. Which is sort of what you are.

5. “We will make time for date nights, our relationship won’t change when the baby arrives”
THINK AGAIN: The only way a hot date will compare to pre-kids is the presence of bodily fluids – only now it’ll be baby vomit and steaming nappies. If you’re lucky there’ll be time for a quick argument and ten minutes of falling asleep on the sofa before the baby wakes up.

6. “My children will learn to tidy up their own mess”

Categories: Fake News

Williamson insists ‘rumpy pumpy’ must be in Latin

News Biscuit - Tue, 08/03/2021 - 4:00am

The Education Secretary has demanded that Latin be taught in all schools to describe all carnal acts and order from the wine menu. Coitus and cunnilingus will make a return to the curriculum, although for Eton they never left the entrance exam.

An Education spokesman explained: ‘It’s vitally important that school children learn the correct terminology for the sexual acts Ministers will one day be paying them to do. No matter how depraved, the Romans and Bullingdon club have a name for it’.

The three ‘R’s’ will be replaced with their Latin equivalents – Reach Arounds, Rimming and Rhinoceros f$cking.  Mr. Williamson insisted that traditional Romans vocab would break down social barriers and spice up the bedroom. His spokesman said: ‘Veni, vidi, vici translated from the Latin means ‘premature ejaculation’.’

Categories: Fake News

US chlorine-washed chicken least of our worries, admit Brits

News Biscuit - Tue, 08/03/2021 - 2:00am

A focus group has found that post Brexit, most British consumers would be perfectly happy to eat chlorine-washed chicken imported from the US. However, many have expressed concern that they will also be forced to eat a diet consisting of stringy American processed cheese, gassy beer, and ‘wussy American mustard which has less flavour than diluted bathwater’.

After the meeting, focus group member Arthur Scoggins commented, ‘Alright, so a pumpkin might be a fruit but only someone with fluff for brains would even think of putting it in a pie, and as for grits…’.

Particular scorn was directed toward Hershey bars which were described as ‘tasting, almost but not quite, totally unlike chocolate’.

Others were delighted that post Brexit German measles would become a thing of the past but were worried about missing out on other European staples such as Swiss cheese, French mustard, French fries, French kissing, French letters, and Dutch caps.


Categories: Fake News

Pepys Diary: Olympickes

News Biscuit - Mon, 08/02/2021 - 11:00pm

Up early and by coach to the Tower at the invitaion of the British Beheading Committee to witness a gruelling day of Torture.

First, to the Racke. A number of persons of note were tested thereon, but Milord Javid came to the fore with a final length of seven feet. Well played, and he did not cower once, though the inquisitor tested him sorely.

Next to the Water Butte. A small crowd for this event. I might have said Andrew Neil came out on top. However, he did not resurface as his form fitted the barrel so well that none could pull him back out. T’was a sight to see his wig float to the surface.

On the way to the next room, saw Katie Hopkins chained to the wall wearing a Scold’s Bridle. She tried to kick out at any who passed but we rejoiced in finding that Harridan’s tongue finally quelled.

The next room contained a group of idle vagabonds in stocks. At first, one might find their Trial as naught but, as time passed we could see that Wretches were close to losing their minds. They had spent the whole day listening to one Clare Balding spouting piffle on subjects no-one had any ken of. She spoke of a Skateboard that appears to be a vehicle propelled by leg-power and ridden over obstacles. Madness!

From thence to the Mall for supper. On the way did see two youths thrown from the Tower into the Moat. Tom Daley and Matty Lee did fall as one. They rose from the waters to great acclamation from the persons assembled and were presented with ribbons for surviving their Ordeal.

Categories: Fake News

Local dog-walker ‘gutted’ after failure to stumble upon grisly murder scene

News Biscuit - Mon, 08/02/2021 - 7:00am

A 54-year-old man from Whitechapel in East London has told a local newspaper that he was extremely disappointed when he failed to discover the body of a murder victim while walking his new puppy at the weekend.

Toby Dell, a gravity die-caster from Vallance Road, told The East London Gazette: “I was really looking forward to taking the dog out for his first walk and stumbling on a dead body in some dense undergrowth after he’d run in to investigate the scent of a decomposing body.

“However, after spending over an hour in Mile End Park, going close to all the undergrowth I could find, I came back home with absolutely no murder scene to my name.

“I was really looking forward to stumbling across a mutilated corpse and calling the cops to report it.

“I could have been interviewed on BBC London News by that Alice Bandrakarvy or one of her colleagues, so I’m pretty gutted to be honest.

“If this continues for much longer I’ll get rid of the dog or get the missus to take it out in future”

Statistics show that 98 per cent of murder victims are discovered by dog walkers, usually after the owner has accidentally thrown the dog’s ball into a densely wooded area or thick undergrowth.



Danny Soz

Categories: Fake News

Home Office to retain Covid measures “just in case”

News Biscuit - Mon, 08/02/2021 - 4:00am

Following the failed attempt by Government to contain the Covid virus, the Home Office led by Priti Patel has decided to extend all restrictions indefinitely

The British Army has already been successfully deployed, nominally to assist the Covid response under the guise of “Operation Rescript”. This allows fully armed soldiers to monitor transport and control the ports, and generally infiltrate the public consciousness as “a necessary evil”

Secondly, the airports have been largely shut down to prevent foreigners from arriving, and to imprison those who do, but mainly to stop British nationals from leaving as the dark forces clamp down

Next, the freedoms of news reporting are slowly being eroded. The BBC is inexplicably drifting towards supporting the Government, and Channel 4 is to be “privatised” (we know what that means)

Patel’s plan to use the military for absolute control is to be trialled in England, where it will be renamed as “The Devolutionary Guard”


Hat tip to Granger

Categories: Fake News

Chlamydia Island follow-up ‘not so popular’

News Biscuit - Mon, 08/02/2021 - 2:00am

Contestants on ITV’s flagship reality-show, have struggled to adjust to life without cameras but with an embarrassing itch in their nether regions. One particular hot-tub session has resulted in a virulent strain of bacteria, two unplanned pregnancies and a new form of aquatic sloth.

A biologist explained: ‘This cocktail of warm water, fake tan and, well, cocktails – made the perfect breeding ground for germs and Daily Mail headlines. Recreational water illnesses (RWIs) are particularly hard to avoid if everyone rubbing up against each other and weeing in the hot tub’.

The most common RWI is diarrhoea – an ill-smelling, shit-stained disaster, which is ironically, what the producers of the show were aiming for. They expect ‘Love Island’ to soon become ‘Baby Island’, followed by ‘Shotgun Marriage Island’, concluding with the inevitable ‘Bitterness and Regret Island’.

While the relationships are not expected to last beyond their first ‘Hello’ spread, many of the rashes acquired may last a lifetime. Said one ‘reality’ star: ‘After one DNA test, followed by three months of NCT classes with the reluctant father, is a little bit too much reality for me’.

hat tip Sinnick

Categories: Fake News

Cowell bombshell as X Factor ‘binned for good’ by ITV over sick scam claims

News Biscuit - Sun, 08/01/2021 - 11:00pm

Purveyors of utterly mindless shite to the masses, broadcaster ITV, has announced it no longer wishes to contribute to Simon Cowell’s personal fortune, and has axed its one time flagship entertainment show, The X Factor.

A channel spokesman said: ‘It took us a while to twig what was going on but the penny finally dropped when we were having an Exec quiz night at the pub. One question was: Name five winners of the X Factor, but between us we just got one and we had the show’s commissioning editor on our team. It was only because someone happened to be playing Leona Lewis on the juke box in the public bar next door that we got her, actually.

‘When he pitched the show Simon said it was a new concept, and certainly not in the least bit like Opportunity Knocks or New Faces of bygone days. “It’s designed to make unknown wannabes into stars,” he told us. Well quite clearly that was a whopping lie, so we’re closing down the whole sick scam.’

The broadcaster was keeping its cards close to its chest today on what it might introduce to challenge the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing in the Autumn schedules. However, the spokesman refused to confirm or deny strong rumours circulating in media circles, a new game show, Ant & Dec’s Whose Arse is it Anyway? co-hosted by Holly Willoughby and Keith Lemon, is currently in production at a closed set in Elstree.

Categories: Fake News
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