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Sunak reminds everyone it’s important to be rich already

News Biscuit - Sat, 08/28/2021 - 11:00pm

As Chancellor Rishi Sunak prepares to cut Universal Credit, whilst building a swimming pool, gym and tennis court in the grounds of his grade II listed manor house, he was anxious to stress how important it is to remember to be rich. Not necessarily Scrooge McDuck rich, Grand Designs rich will do.

One of Sunak’s butlers said: ‘If you’re already rich, slashing benefits and social care spending doesn’t affect you. Rishi always says that people will have better lives if they are already incredibly rich. In order to level up, it really is important to be rich.’

Revoking the £20-a-week boost to Universal Credit will leave many lower income families struggling to make ends meet. However, Boris Johnson’s focus is on large scale infrastructure projects that he can put his name on, as opposed to actually helping people.

Another Sunak butler added: ‘The way to get Boris to pay attention is to throw in a bridge or two. He just loves a bridge, almost as much as he loves a bouncy Tory blonde half his age, and avoiding child support payments. Recently I’ve heard tell of bridges to Sodor, Arendelle, the Isle of Wight, Terebithia and one over the River Kwai.’

A social worker, who has worked in some of Britain’s poorest areas for many years looked intrigued: ‘A bridge to enable the poorest, most disadvantaged in society to access better benefits and social care? That would be fantastic! I would welcome that. You mean a metaphorical bridge, right? Right?’


Image by moneycortex from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News

NewsBiscuit Podcast 5 now available

News Biscuit - Sat, 08/28/2021 - 8:22pm

For free to download on Spotify and other podcast platforms. Or you can view it on YouTube at https://youtu.be/KwHTnm9lifE


Comedy news from NewsBiscuit.

Host: Wrenfoe

Featuring Guests: Kit Caboodle, Chipchase, Bernard Castle & Al O’Pecia.

August 2021


Our book: https://tinyurl.com/ure669ss


Categories: Fake News

Raab Asks Everybody To Stop Speculating About His Resignation

News Biscuit - Sat, 08/28/2021 - 4:00am

In a public statement issued through the FCDO on Friday, Mr Raab has asked the Press and public to stop speculating about his resignation as he is currently on holiday and does not have time to address the questions and pressure. “As a keen paddle-boarder I like to spend as much on-board time as possible whilst vacationing and I need to focus on by board technique for the next couple of weeks not spend time finding excuses for what I’m really doing”.


Image by thelester from Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Amazon forest fires could devastate Bake Off warn Channel 4

News Biscuit - Sat, 08/28/2021 - 2:00am

The forest fires currently raging across parts of the Amazon could have a devastating effect on the new series of Bake Off, the head of Channel 4 entertainment warned today. Fires in the Amazon rainforest have been burning out of control for several weeks, putting supplies of dried cassava, tucupi and red cochineal in short supply.

‘Some essential ingredients used by the Bake Off chefs could dry up completely if the fires continue to rage out of control’, warned a spokesperson for show maker Love Productions.
Creative director Jason Beesley said that some of the chefs lined up for the new series have already considering pulling out of the event. ‘One chef said that if he can’t get his hands on a brace of macaweira hog plums then his signature dish would simply be ruined and appearing on the show would be pointless’, noted Beasley.

Some Bake Off chefs are blaming the Brazilian people, calling them selfish and lazy saying they are not doing enough to safeguard the sort of essential baking ingredients needed to put on a top TV show like Bake Off.

‘I don’t think they realise how much hard work and effort goes into producing a show like Bake Off’.  said contestant Jay Tranter. ‘This is important…surely they can get a couple of fires under control.’

‘They need to sort those fires out soon or the Christmas and New Year specials could be ruined’ continued Tranter. ‘Those Brazilian farmers should not be allowed to stand by and watch their crops burn down. Not when it puts something as important as Bake Off at risk’.

BBC producers also warned that the rainforest fires could affect the new series of Strictly.

‘Most of the sequins we use on our ballgowns are made in Brazil’, said one producer. ‘Some of the chalk we use on the dance floors also comes from the region. Strictly contestants can’t really be expected to dance an authentic Carimbo Capoeia if the sequins are made outside Brazil. These things matter’.

Fans of the show say they will be devastated if silly little forest fires are allowed to ruin their Saturday night entertainment. One tearful Bake Off fan even threatened to let her vagina hair grow out saying she was fully prepared to go naked on a beach without waxing.

‘I think they call it re-wilding or something’, said the fan; I read something about it on Facebook….where you let the bushes grow back again’.


Image by congerdesign from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News

Man dumps woman over inspirational wall art.

News Biscuit - Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:00pm

A couple who had been on several dates have just split up after he visited her apartment for the first time, and saw her choice of wall art.

Nathan Dunce said, “Things had been going well with Natalie, but that all changed when she invited me round to her place for a romantic meal.  As soon as I walked in I saw a massive framed poster saying, ‘May All Who Enter Leave As Friends’.  I mean, really?  Even the bloke who comes to read the gas meter?

“Above the sofa in the living room there was a big sign saying, ‘Live Every Moment Like It’s Your Last’.  That felt like too much pressure to me – when I’m sitting on a sofa I mainly just want to watch Netflix and eat Doritos.  In the kitchen she had a sign saying, ‘This Kitchen Is For Dancing’, which struck me as being a recipe for indigestion, not to mention downright dangerous – you shouldn’t leave a chip pan unattended while you go tangoing round the kitchen!

“Even in the bathroom there was a sign saying, ‘Wash Away Your Troubles With Some Bubbles’.  I don’t like bubble baths. Most of my time in the bathroom is spent sitting on the toilet scrolling through my phone while I have a crap.  I had thought Natalie seemed really easy going, but when I saw all those signs everywhere telling me what to do, I started to think that she’s actually quite bossy.  The final straw came when I saw a sign above the bed saying, ‘Sleep, Sweet Dreams’. No mention of sex at all – not even a little sign saying, ‘Just A Quickie, I’ve Got An Early Start Tomorrow’.  So as soon as we’d eaten the meal, I gave her the old, ’It’s Not You, It’s Me’ spiel, and legged it out of there.”

When asked how she was feeling after the break-up, Natalie said, “To be honest, I’m not too upset.  Nathan was a nice guy, but his dress sense was terrible. All he ever wears are t-shirts with slogans on them like ‘Just Do It’, and ‘Love Football’, which made me think he’s a bit immature.  I texted my best friend to tell her Nathan and I had split up, and she sent me a meme which says, ‘Be Strong Enough To Let Go, And Wise Enough To Wait For What You Deserve.’ That’s quite inspiring. I wonder if I can get that on a poster?”


Image by Igor Ovsyannykov from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News

Patients who need blood tests asked to bring a bottle

News Biscuit - Fri, 08/27/2021 - 7:00am

As hospitals and GPs in England are being forced to ration blood tests while the NHS struggles to cope with a shortage of plastic sample bottles, one GP surgery in Walsall has asked patients who require a blood test to bring their own bottle.

The surgery’s Practice Manager said, “We decided to ask patients to bring a bottle along if they need a blood test, as we didn’t want to turn away anyone who may be ill. There are several bottles that patients may already have at home that are suitable for blood tests, such as the little bottles that food flavourings like vanilla extract come in. However, we do advise patients to wash the bottle thoroughly before bringing it to the surgery, as food flavourings can have a high sugar content, and an unclean bottle could lead to a false diagnosis of diabetes. Food colourings also come in similar small bottles, but again we do ask patients to make sure the bottle is clean, as bright green blood is always a worry. Miniature whiskey bottles can also be used, although if not properly washed beforehand they could lead to a false diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver. And as one of our GPs is rather fond of a tipple, if we leave any of those lying around there is a strong chance those samples might not even make it to the lab.

“To be honest, with the risk of catching Covid at the surgery, extremely long NHS waiting lists, and shortages of essential medical supplies, the best advice we can give to patients at the moment is – don’t get ill!”


Image by Devanath from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News

UN to insist Channel Islands are British

News Biscuit - Fri, 08/27/2021 - 4:00am

The UN’s maritime law tribunal has ruled that Mauritius has no sovereignty over the Channel Islands and criticised Mauritius for its failure to hand the territory back to the UK. This confirms an International Court of Justice ruling and UN General Assembly vote.

The Channel Islands include a variety of tax havens, although not a US military base. Mauritius has said it will return the islands when they’re no longer needed for financial skulduggery and tax avoidance. In a weirdly petty development, Channel Island postal stamps are to be banned, although British courts will still use rubber stamps to approve the wishes of the bankers who own them.

A small and isolated island nation, largely dependent on tourist income, the UK is led by electrocuted scarecrow Boris Johnson. Britain is also famous for its beaches which are covered in exotic shell companies.

Captains Ahab, Birdseye, Blackbeard and Pugwash issued a rare joint statement, dismissive of the UN ruling, saying ‘Shiver me timbers, if a cutlass, an aircraft carrier and a centre for offshore finance can be beaten by the rule of law, where can a pirate go? Apart from the British Virgin Islands that is. Nowhere near Britain and nowhere near virgins. Arrr.’

[big hat tip to Sir Lupus]


Image by jorono from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News

UK hesitates after evidence reveals al-Assad is probably a meerkat

News Biscuit - Fri, 08/27/2021 - 2:00am

There was disarray in the UK Parliament last night on the question of whether or not to intervene in Syria as evidence emerged that President Bashar Al-Assad may actually be a meerkat.

Despite some suggestion that he may be a tyrannical despot involved in the murder of his people through high explosives and, latterly, chemical weapons, a majority of the British parliament remains convinced that he is a small furry mammal far more interested in selling insurance products than slaughtering innocent civilians.

Opposition politicians and several Tory MPs, including a couple of forgetful government ministers, dismissed evidence that Assad was actually and dementedly human, and produced evidence of pamphlets that he had distributed which offered great deals for couples with a home, or cars, or even landlords which they could pass for scrutiny under the eyes of inspectors from trading standards, before even thinking about taking appropriate action.

The vote on whether in principle British forces should be used to fire missiles at Syrian government assets to prevent any more attacks on civilians was further scuppered by alternative views that it might be better to humanely leave a trail of peanuts all the way to the bushes and get rid of him that way instead.

‘Part of NATO’s role is to bring stability in crisis zones where civilians are in danger,’ said Anders Fogh Rasmussen, head of NATO, ‘but imagine the public horror if we launched a load of missiles at the House of Meerkovo on prime-time television and showed the results. That tattered and torn smoking jacket. Those soft toys strewn everywhere away from the dignity of their packaging. We lose the battle for hearts and minds, right there.”

However, the situation remains tense and in stalemate after a ten-hour debate in the House of Commons failed to agree whether Assad looks more like ‘Sergei’ or ‘Aleksandr’.

The US government dismissed the need to wait, citing the fact that all the meerkats they’ve come across appear to have implausible Russian accents which they claim only strengthens their suspicions that Al-Assad is probably human after all. ‘And if anyone in the Syrian regime dares to say ‘Simples’,’ said US secretary of Defence, Chuck Hagel, ‘We’ll nuke ’em all to hell.’

Image by Ian Lindsay from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News

Disgusting marine life found in ocean of beautiful plastic

News Biscuit - Thu, 08/26/2021 - 11:00pm

Refuse conservationists have warned that marine life is finding its way into the planet’s oceans of plastic. “This is a concerning development,” said Professor Clive Collins from the Institute of Secretly Getting Paid Shitoalds By Fossil Fuel Interest Groups. “At this stage we can’t say whether marine life entering our delicate and fragile microplastic ecosystems could be harmful to humans, or ineed the entire planet.

“More research is needed. And by that I mean more funding so that my colleagues and I can live ever more plastic-based lavish lifestyles, while we pretend to do important things by holding up conical flasks of coloured liquids, and looking serious while stroking our chins.

“One thing is for sure, it is a disgusting and unsightly development, and the governments of the world need to act urgently to prevent this marine life situation spiralling out of control. If we don’t see a significant change in our behaviour, we could be overrun with dolphins and shit, and everyone needs to come together and work hard to prevent that.

“This is the bit where I use words like ‘catastrophic disaster’ and phrases like ‘imagine turning your tap on at home and finding a blue whale in your glass’. Our PR guy insists it will get us a lot more coverage for our cause and scare people into immediate action. But seriously, this could cause severe harm to the non-biodegradable thermo-setting microplastic ecology we have spent decades cultivating.”


Image by Mikes-Photography from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News

Man shaves after concluding his lockdown beard is more Lineker than Clooney

News Biscuit - Thu, 08/26/2021 - 7:00am

A man’s attempt to grow designer stubble during lockdown has ended in defeat after he was forced to admit that it made him look more like a scruffy football pundit than a Hollywood actor.

Mr James Lloyd of Basingstoke had not allowed his facial hair to grow since failing dismally in the sixth form grow a moustache competition several decades earlier, but thought lockdown brought the ideal opportunity to develop a new cool and stylish image, only 30 years after it became fashionable.

But after four months of ensuring his face was blurry and poorly lit during Zoom meetings while he grew and trimmed and shaped his new look, Mr Lloyd has given up and shaved it all off. However, he is not at all downhearted. ‘My wife said getting rid of the beard took ten years off me so I’m going to grow it and shave it all off again at least twice more,’ he explained.


Image by Hands off my tags! Michael Gaida from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News

Man who closed the sea defends Dominic Raab

News Biscuit - Thu, 08/26/2021 - 4:00am

‘You’re all being very unfair to Mr Raab,’ said the man who declared the sea closed last week.  ‘I could see the sea was full already, with fish, water and stuff – lots of plastic stuff, and poo – lots of poo – have you ever seen a fish get out to go?  Or a holidaymaker come to that? I decided that unless the fish got out, Raab couldn’t go in.  He was very disappointed, said something about phone calls to make, had a waterproof mobile phone, and needing to get a bit of paddle-boarding in, but I said no.  There’s a lovely ocean over there if you likes, Mr Raab, I said.  It’s a bit full of water too, lots of plastic and quite a bit of poo, but not as many fish thanks to the plastic and the poo.’

The man admitted that he did take some sympathy with the Foreign Secretary.  ‘I said he could take a widdle if he liked, but no bloody paddle boarding.’


Image by Isa KARAKUS from Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

NetFlix blamed for ‘empty’ enclosures at troubled monkey attraction

News Biscuit - Wed, 08/25/2021 - 11:00pm


The ‘Go Bananas’ monkey sanctuary in Dorset is at the centre of criticism from both animal welfare experts and visitors, after it was revealed that an initiative to provide cutting-edge, 21st century facilities for resident primates encountered a series of problems.

As Peter Cooper, Head Keeper, explained, “Monkeys are sophisticated and complex higher primates who love life and have a passion for adventure and new experiences. Unfortunately, we don’t really have the staff, or the money to give them that, so earlier this year we thought, ‘F*ck it, we could just get them the latest 4K televisions, take advantage of 6 month discount subscription to Netflix and let them binge-watch some mind-rotting TV like their human equivalents. What could go wrong?’

To begin with, feedback from both keepers and the park’s guests to the initiative were positive, despite the odd riot or two over the ownership of the remote control. However, by the beginning of July the situation had changed for the worse.

“We were starting to get complaints about some of the animals’ behaviour in front of the guests, particularly if the guests were discussing anything television-related’, noted Simon Lewis-Briggs, duty manager. “For example, Bobo the gorilla, ‘overheard’ two girls discussing some American reality TV show and he started covering his ears and grunting something that sounded very much like, ‘No spoilers, no spoilers!’, and begun baring his teeth and banging on the glass of the enclosure.

“Now the primates won’t leave their inner enclosures at all, unless to feed or shit. And sometimes not even then – when they got hold of the last series of The Crown, we didn’t see them for days.

Amidst falling ticket sales, the attraction’s management team have worked hard to make the best of the situation. ‘We’ve installed interactive booths at every enclosure so the kids can watch what is not happening and then vote on whether they think the monkeys are still alive’, continued Lewis-Briggs.  ‘Dead or Escaped: You Decide’ is bringing it home!

Not all visitors have been positive about the changes, however. As one indicated, “Like the majority of people who come here I don’t give a shit about monkeys, today I’ve spent all my time, smoking, drinking coffee and shouting at kids.”  Whilst another, Judy Little, said. “I don’t know what the fuss is all about. Staring mindlessly for hours at an enclosure waiting expectedly for some animals to do something isn’t much different from watching Love Island.”



Image by Vinson Tan ( 楊 祖 武 ) from Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Charlie Watts ‘drove London bus’ throughout Stones career.

News Biscuit - Wed, 08/25/2021 - 11:00pm

‘Get on a 270 bus at Wandsworth and it wouldn’t be surprising to see Charlie at the wheel’, revealed a childhood pal after the news of the Stones famously down-to-earth drummer’s passing. ‘He never forgot his bus routes, despite the fame and wealth. Even in the middle of a UK tour he’d sneak off to go down Lambeth Garage and climb aboard.’

‘Even when Mick and Murray Unfaithful were getting in deep in the interplanetary confectionery business, Charlie’s preference was for a small portion of whelks. Even when Keef joined the Taliban cos he liked the funny clobber and their prices for smack were reasonable if you bought in bulk, Charlie preferred a shandy and a three piece worsted from Cecil Gee. And while other drummers needed local authority planning permission to set up their drum kits, Charlie was perfectly at home with a family-size Quality Street tin and some chop sticks, hence his inimitable pared down style and his fondness for hard centres. And he was married to his Mrs throughout their time together as man and wife, even when the rest of the band succumbed to the charms of ‘gropies’ and one night music stands and all spent the night together.’

Now Watts will take his place in the Repercussion Hall of Fame alongside Keith Moo, Bloody Rich, Ginger ‘Biscuits’ and that one from the Police who isn’t even dead yet.


Image by Jordan Holiday from Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Prince Andrew appointed trade envoy to Love Island

News Biscuit - Wed, 08/25/2021 - 7:00am

Liz Truss insisted that Andrew could bring a wealth of experience about private islands, inappropriate love and pizza related alibis. One aide commented: ‘They both seemed so excited, we didn’t have the heart to tell them that Love Island is not a real country’.

Prince Andrew is said to have been ready to leave in an instant, having had his bags packed for a hasty exit months ago. He did insist that his new role would be covered by diplomatic immunity, anonymity on Tinder and an untraceable Search History.

Meanwhile, the International Trade Secretary has made her mark by appointing a string of inappropriate envoys; including Oliver Cromwell to Ireland, Henry V to France and Kate Hoey to anywhere. Many have sarcastically commented that Truss was just pulling names out of a hat, while her aide explained: ‘It’s not that that strategic’.

Andrew will be solely responsible for the import and export of love to the UK, with his primary focus on emerging markets – ‘nothing too old’ he demanded. Unlike other Royals who have been accused of not working hard, Andrew promised to be very hands on.


Image by adamkontor from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News

Premier League refs to allow more physical play.

News Biscuit - Wed, 08/25/2021 - 4:00am

Amongst those delighted with this decision is Sandy Ballsover – Artistic Director for FADA – the Football Academy for the Dramatic Arts.

“This is great news” gushed Sandy. “It means that the methods we teach for conning the ref – sorry I meant appealing for the obviously correct decision – are more important than ever. We can offer a whole range of training classes for the Sunday morning pub team clogger right up to the English International clogger. Amongst the many skills we can develop are:-

•Falling like a ton of bricks if an opponent’s boot gets anywhere near a leg, rolling around on the ground as if the leg has been remove just below the hip. Subsequently getting up and running the length of the pitch in just under 10 seconds.

•If fouled – and following the above performance, the opponent gets red / yellow carded, adopting a rueful grin and trying to shake his hand.

•Having finally been red-carded for a series of tackles which anywhere else would result in a jail sentence, leaving the pitch with eyes downcast and sadly shaking the head – think Mother Teresa.

•Utilising the Larry Olivier thespian techniques whilst having a measured, philosophical discussion with the ref – eyes widened, mouth open (and ideally spittle flecked) and both arms held in the John McEnroe pose. Also undertaking rigorous research beforehand to uncover a swear word not used previously.

•Practicing spitting accuracy to ensure a well developed gob lands millimetres away from the ref’s / linemen’s boot.

•Generous applauding the home supporters after yet another home loss. Ironically applauding the away supporters after an unprecedented away win.”

Asked if the Academy taught any actual football skills, Sandy giggled and said “don’t be silly darling!”



Image by Phillip Kofler from Pixabay 

Categories: Fake News
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