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Raab says Afghan refugee talks in Ibiza are ‘not another holiday’

News Biscuit - Thu, 09/02/2021 - 11:00pm

Dominic Raab has denied that his current trip to discuss the Afghan refugee crisis is in fact a disguised holiday.

The Foreign Secretary was spotted downing pints and acting raucously at the airport before his flight to Qatar. He was wearing shorts, a t-shirt, flip-flops, a straw hat and sunglasses. It is said he only packed one suit for the entire trip.

Mr Raab told reporters that his kite surfing trip after meeting the Qatari government was “an importance piece of diplomacy”, but he couldn’t explain why it was.

The itinerary for the trip will see Mr Raab visit other major governments in the region which have “great beaches and/or hotels”, but it now emerges it also includes visits to the Bahamas, Ibiza, Amsterdam and other top holiday hot spots.

‘I need to understand the role the night clubs in Ibiza, the beaches in the Bahamas and the cannabis cafĂ©s in Amsterdam can play in all this,’ Mr Raab said. ‘The fact Michael Gove is joining me in Ibiza doesn’t make it a “lad’s weekend away” at all and it is not to make up for cutting my other holiday short. It is a tough job but somebody has to do it.

‘Now if you will excuse me as I am running late for my massage.’

photo: marucha @ Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Britain Withdraws From Isle of Wight

News Biscuit - Thu, 09/02/2021 - 7:00am

Driven out by the Telly Ban, geriatric fundamentalists who ‘Don’t hold with them funny modern things like leccertricity and other sinister witchcraft’, British armed forces were defeated after suffering many years catastrophic losses as servicemen were, for the most part, hideously bored to death.

Just months after the last occupying forces were slowly ferried ashore to the mainland, the Telly Ban swept – well, slowly ambled and shuffled – into power, and before long were filling post office queues (both of them) across the length and breadth of the island.

‘We knew they wouldn’t last’ said one resident. ‘They only been here since – when was it Mrs Taylor lost her cat? – can only be a few hundred years ago. Bringing complicated things like clocks, mysterious magic things like wireless sets and dangerous machines like bicycles. And their fancy ways, like educating girls, and boys, and even teaching them to read and write. We’ll soon put a stop to all that nonsense.’


Hat-tip ArthurPyke


photo: obsidianphotography @ Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Afghans can stay says Home Office. Check the small print say Windrush generation

News Biscuit - Thu, 09/02/2021 - 4:00am

Afghans who worked for the British military will be able to move to the UK permanently, claimed a spokeswoman – while crossing her fingers. One PPI lawyer said the promise was not worth the paper it was written on, while another, who we spoke to, never got over his giggling fit.

Said one refugee: ‘I’m not saying I don’t trust Priti Patel but she did seem to be smirking when she said it. By the way, how legally binding is a contract written on the back of a beer coaster, in lipstick?’

The spokeswoman clarified: ‘The UK is known the world over for keeping its promises, you only have to look at how we’ve brought peace to the Middle East. We always honour our agreements, right up until there is no longer a profit in it’.

One Windrush deportee commented: ‘Don’t bother unpacking’.


photo: ArmyAmber @ Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

‘Trump ripped-off my hairstyle’ claims Flock of Seagulls frontman

News Biscuit - Thu, 09/02/2021 - 2:00am

Donald Trump’s hairdo has provoked a sensational and scathing attack from, Mike Score, frontman of 80s techno-pop band, A Flock of Seagulls. in a Vlog released last night he unleashed a foul-mouthed tirade against Mr Trump.

‘Trump is nothing but a plagiarist,’ declared the visibly rattled vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, ‘Compared to my original hairdo his is nothing more outrageous than a short back and sides or crew-cut. My hair back then was pure bloody mental and was the talk of the music industry and that creosote-coloured tosser has simply ripped me off’.’

‘I ought to be POTUS and leader off the free world, not that twenty-four carat knobber! How can the world trust anyone who rates Ted Nugent! For f*cks sake,’ fumed the Wishing (If I had a photograph of you) singer.

It is believed that top celebrity lawyer, Artie Klempsteine, has been lined up by Score and a lawsuit worth $24,000,000 is about to be brought against the already beleaguered Trump, citing theft of image and intellectual property. Dave Shabdowski, entertainment reporter for Channel XYZ says, ‘When this baby comes to court it’s gonna be the biggest global media event ever; even bigger than the OJ trial. Yessirs!’

Trump was unavailable for comment. However, sources close to the president admitted that A Flock of Seagulls had helped improve the President’s notoriously shaky knowledge of world geography, as he could often be heard muttering repeatedly ‘I-Ran. So Far Away’.

Chipchase, Hat-Tip to Rootin Tootin

Categories: Fake News

Man completing daft Facebook games shocked to be hacked

News Biscuit - Wed, 09/01/2021 - 11:00pm

A man who responds to every single Facebook post that pops up asking him to reminisce about a well loved pet that is no longer with us or to tell the world which city he was born in has expressed incredulity after his bank account was coincidentally hacked into.

‘Facebook is great, isn’t it, for bringing back those memories and sharing them with everyone’, said Mike Jones, 54, today. ‘Love it when those posts pop up asking you to work out your pornstar name by combining your favourite holiday destination with the surname of your first teacher at primary school. Nerja McAndrew was mine. Brilliant. I added mine in the comments along with the years I was there in case any of my old mates were on there.’

‘I was on this one the other day telling me it would give me my Batman butler identity just by telling them my favourite football team and my mums’ maiden name. ‘Everton Richardson at your service’, I typed in the comments – got loads of likes. I don’t know how they think all these wacky ideas up – I imagine there is some group of people somewhere sitting there thinking ‘right, what can we do to entertain everyone on Facebook and give them a laugh’. They could do with employing an artist and proof reader though. The fonts are always really babyish and they’re riddled with spelling mistakes’.

‘I’ve had to take a few days off playing these games though as my my mind has been on other things. The bank got in touch saying there had been loads of unusual transactions recently and all my savings had been taken out’, said Jones. ‘They asked whether I had revealed any passwords or personal information online and I told them of course I hadn’t. I’m not bloody stupid. I guess these criminals must have exploited some kind of loophole in the bank’s online encryption. They should really make sure their customers are protected’.

‘I’m hoping to get back on Facebook later to cheer myself up’ admitted Jones. ‘But I’ve got to pick up a parcel first – something from Hermes, apparently. Just had a text through from them. Don’t know what it is but I’ve had to click through on a link and pay a small fee to get it. Hopefully it will be something good’.

photo: LoboStudioHamburg @ Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Alpaca reincarnated as Dalai Lama

News Biscuit - Wed, 09/01/2021 - 8:48am
Categories: Fake News

Owner wins plaudits for blaming own dog over unprovoked attack

News Biscuit - Wed, 09/01/2021 - 7:00am

The owner of a so-called ‘dangerous dog’ has won plaudits on all sides for being the first to admit his dog was at fault when it attacked a man in the park who was innocently minding his own business.

Bernard Potts said: ‘I was walking towards the lake on my way to feed the ducks when, Satan, an eight stone Rottweiler, spotted me and came charging up with his teeth bared, slavering in a crazed manner pinning me to the ground.

He then explained  Satan’s owner, 20 year-old Dale Marston, was most apologetic asking: ‘Are you all right? I’m so sorry. I  don’t know why he did that. Mind you, he’s fucking mental and has a shocking vicious streak. He sometimes scares the shit out of me.’

But despite the terrifying ordeal Bernard has nothing but praise for Dale. ‘He never once told me it was my fault. That Satan never usually behaves that way, or insisted I  was probably attacked because I had made a sudden move frightening the soppy old sod, who’d normally be more likely to lick me to death.’

photo: Manuchi @ Pixabay

Categories: Fake News
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