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Gym advertises for fat bloke to talk b*@locks in the sauna

News Biscuit - Wed, 09/29/2021 - 2:00am

An Edinburgh gym and spa club is looking to recruit an over-opinionated morbidly obese man to talk complete shit in the sauna, steam room and Jacuzzi after the previous incumbent retired.

The post is being advertised with an annual salary of ÂŁ25K though the successful candidate will be expected to tell fellow sauna users that he earns at least 10 times that amount and lives in a big house in the same street as JK Rowling.

‘Ideally we’re looking for someone with previous experience of sitting in a high-temperature environment wearing only a towel or a pair of Speedos pontificating loudly about Brexit, Trump, Nicola Sturgeon and whatever else comes to mind’ says Aquarius Gym & Spa manager Fenton Barnes.

‘The chap that held the post previously, ‘Big Davie’, was with us for 15 years and retired last month because he wanted to spend more time talking bollocks to his family. He’s left behind some pretty big trunks to fill’.

Club member Frank Hughes says ‘Big Davie’ is being sorely missed.

‘It’s just not the same going into the sauna and Davie not being there taking up half the bench and talking loudly about how we’ve got our country back before loudly slamming the door behind him’, says Hughes.

‘I don’t mind telling you that there were grown men with tears rolling down their cheeks. Though it could just have been sweat, it gets quite hot in there’.

Image: Pixabay/ThMilherou

Categories: Fake News

Panicked Kier Starmer stockpiling Labour members

News Biscuit - Wed, 09/29/2021 - 12:51am

Sir Kier Starmer is stockpiling Labour members after fears of a leadership shortage in the party.

Reports of a lack of leadership in the party have circulated for a couple of years, but the shortage is said to have reached crisis point, with sources suggesting that the Labour leader has turned to storing his own supplies in a large venue in Brighton.

However, sceptics have suggested that the crisis is manufactured. “In fact, there is plenty of leadership in the Labour Party”, said one insider. “Leaders of the hard left faction, the moderate left faction, the centrist faction, the neo-Blairite faction, Momentum, the moderate right faction and loads of trade union leaders.”

“People also talk about there being a shortage of an effective opposition at the moment and that is nonsense as well,” the party insider added. “Most of these factions oppose each other – in fact, many of them actually oppose Sir Kier’s leadership”.

The news comes as a blow, on the back of widely publicised shortages of policies within the Labour Party. Whilst many brilliant, revolutionary policies are reported to exist, they frustratingly remain sealed and locked securely in air-tight containers, stacked up in a far-distant warehouse in La-La Land.

“It’s all about blockages in the supply chain”, said one insider. ” Policies keep getting stuck in the party bureaucratic machinery, and there’s no-one competent enough to present them to to an enraptured public at conference anyway, in order for us to inevitably complete a massive landslide victory in the next general election”.

Political experts urged members of the public to remain calm, and that they expect the supply of Labour members around the UK and policies to normalise somewhat over the coming days, as Starmer’s leadership continues to stagger slowly along.

StanleyMizaru and Titus

Categories: Fake News

First rule of Labour Party Conference is that you don’t talk about Labour Party Conference

News Biscuit - Tue, 09/28/2021 - 7:00am

Someone found out there was a thing called a Labour Party Conference taking place. But it was completely accidental and only when their usual Brighton hotel shagpit was double booked as a storage room for sixty boxes of hard-hitting misspelled leaflets.

Hot on the case of what this mysterious event was all about, we sent an undercover investigative journalist to infiltrate the conference. Using a secret code developed at Luton College of Strings and Things, this report was filed hidden in a series of beautifully crafted but highly inedible angel cakes. Many Bothans completely survived unscathed to bring us this information:

Apparently, the first rule of Labour Party Conference is that you don’t talk about Labour Party Conference. The second rule of Labour Party Conference is that it’s probably OK to talk about Labour Party Conference because most people zone out the moment they hear the word Labour. The third rule of Labour Party Conference is that you wedge an axe through the handles of the double doors, and ignore the very existence of the general voting public outside and everything they think.

It appears to be profoundly important that Labour people have this massive pointless slagging match, until there is just one husk of a person left standing. It is then the job of that one bedraggled person to oppose government, get the last feeble Labour message out to the entire UK public, and somehow convince voters that Labour still exist as a political entity come the next election.

But rather than use their last remaining energy to hold the Conservative Party to account, the eighty third rule of Labour Party Conference is that the last person standing has to argue against themselves about whether they should argue against themselves.

On the face of it, it seems like an awful lot of effort for no gain whatsoever. But leading left wing strategists have strokeybeard hypothesised that this might be an extremely clever way of absolutely ensuring that the Labour Party always takes an insignificant position on anything voters might be interested in.

Whatever you do, don’t tell anyone this. Or do. Makes no odds either way.

Image: Unsplash/Kristina Flour

Categories: Fake News

“I’m not panic buying, I’m filling up while I can” says panic buyer

News Biscuit - Tue, 09/28/2021 - 4:00am

A motorist queueing to fill his already three quarters full tank has slammed panic buyers, while insisting he is simply taking the sensible precaution of filling up while he can, because of all the panic buying.

“With all of this panic buying going on I don’t know when my local fuel station will have diesel again, so thought I should top up now.” said Wayne Riley, without a trace of irony.

“Sure I’m not planning on doing any long journeys, I work from home, have Tesco deliver my shopping and travel an average of fifteen miles per week, but you never know do you?” continued Riley, who is definitely not one of these selfish people needlessly rushing out to buy fuel.

“It really knocks your faith in humanity when you see how everybody is just ‘me, me, me’ at the first sign of a problem.” he concluded, while filling a third jerry can and putting it in the boot alongside the hundred toilet rolls that are still there from last spring.

Image: Unsplash/Jakob Rosen

Categories: Fake News

Chutney Use Risen Alarmingly In Men Over Sixty

News Biscuit - Tue, 09/28/2021 - 2:00am

The use of chutney by men over sixty has reached epidemic proportions recently with many reporting using half a jar in a week. Chutney experts warn that at this time of year the British Isles are flooded with the tangy sticky temptation. Appearing at harvest festivals and presented as a treat in Christmas hampers it’s hard for those who want to say no to the spiced sauce that often appears innocuously in a little jar under a gingham hat.

Self-confessed chutney aficionado Don Brown spoke to us about his long term heavy chutney habit and how he got started. “I was about fifty-five, which is a common age for men to get interested in chutney. We were at a farmer’s market and there were free samples of tomato chutney and red onion chutney on crackers so I had a nibble and I said to our Marjory “That’d be just the ticket with a bit of cheese, what do you think?” and the farmer whose crackers I was nibbling looked hopeful and so we bought a jar of the red onion. All the way home I was wishing I’d bought the tomato too, I think I was hooked from the start to some degree”.

Asked for her opinion Marjory commented “It’s hard to find room in the fridge with all the half used jars of chutney. As you know, no-one ever finishes a whole jar of chutney, instead at the half way point they open a different one for a new thrill. We’ve got seven jars on the go! Nowadays he puts it on everything, without even tasting it first. My sticky toffee pudding is not in need of anything extra when I bring it to the table”.

Don replied “Stop pretending we eat at the table just because we’re being interviewed, we eat in front of the telly so we don’t miss Bargain Hunt on those nice lap trays with chickens on we got in Bourton On The Water”.

Marjory told us that it was when Don went to an allotment shop in the next county that she realised he might have a problem. Don was unable to comment, he’d been distracted reading online reviews of hot gooseberry chutney and was considering a trip to a supermarket that wasn’t their usual to score some.

Image: Pixabay/AndreasGoellner

Categories: Fake News

PM blames expanding universe for empty supermarket shelves and petrol shortage

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/27/2021 - 11:00pm

Boris Johnson has denied that Brexit or the coronavirus are to blame for shortages in supermarkets and at petrol stations, instead he said it was due to the universe expanding.

“Look folks, he’s just following the science,” a spokesperson for the PM said. “Boris knows that the universe is expanding at an estimated rate of 82.4 kilometres per second per megaparsec, which, as he has pointed out numerous times to everyone, means that everything in it is gradually moving further apart.

“Boris has concluded that while there is exactly the same amount of goods on supermarket shelves than before Brexit or the pandemic, the gaps between them have got bigger which makes it look like the shelves are empty.”

The Prime Minister has been able to use his dubious grasp of scientific facts, which first emerged during his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, to explain the current petrol crisis.

“Boris would like everyone to know that there is plenty of petrol at the refineries”, continued the spokesperson, “but it is obviously taking us longer to get it to the pumps, as, once again thanks to our old friend the ever expanding universe, they are now further away from each other – quod erat demonstrandum!”

The spokesperson added that it also meant that there was an increase in demand from drivers as they were having to drive further to reach destinations.

“So, there you have it,” Johnson’s spokesperson said. “All down to science, ergo not Boris’s fault or due to piss poor planning by his government.”

When asked to comment on the Prime Minister’s remarks, Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser, is said to have replied with a strange kind of quiet sobbing noise.

Image: Pixabay/geralt

Categories: Fake News

EU Apple device users outraged at plans to give same charger as everyone else

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/27/2021 - 7:00am

Apple users in the EU were today outraged by plans to force them to use the same USB-C charging cables as the ordinary Windows or Android user. “We are used to a cooler, more ergonomic, slicker form of electricity” said Ambroos, 26, from Amsterdam. “And what if Android users want to borrow my charger? What can I say?” She asked.

Apple are said to be developing designs to comply with the regulations, but the Apple chargers and sockets will be retained in new models alongside the new ones. A spokesman said: “There will be a USB-C port in the centre of the back of the case, covered by a flap. The flap will open only when you push a button on an app which will be free to download to a linked Apple phone. This action will also purchase for you a new Apple charger, unless you disable this feature in settings.”

Image: Unsplash/Andreas Haslinger

Categories: Fake News

Priti Patel welcomes opportunity to deport people on Christmas day

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/27/2021 - 4:00am

The government’s temporary visa plan has been welcomed by the Home Secretary, it has been reported.

A spokesperson for Ms Patel explained; “Her instinct is to keep all foreigners out of Britain – she still remembers the look on her parents’ faces when the border police escorted them to the the airport – so she was cautious about the temporary visa scheme when she first heard about it. But when they told her the visa expires on Christmas Eve, she had a vision of of festive police vans arriving outside people’s homes on Christmas morning that gave her a smile she hasn’t lost yet.”

Image: Pixabay/karosieben

Categories: Fake News

Patisserie Valerie: Accountant avoids custardy

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/27/2021 - 3:31am


Categories: Fake News

Covid test gazebo attains listed status

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/27/2021 - 2:00am

Historic England, the government agency responsible for maintaining lists of Harry and Meghan’s residencies, have awarded a gazebo at Bolton’s Covid-19 test centre Grade 1 listed status.

Grade 1 listed buildings are of exceptional national interest, and it was deemed the Bolton test gazebo should qualify. It satisfied the criteria by its huge number of visitors, its significance historically, and through calamitous mismanagement; now being the only functional test centre remaining in England.

Joanne Nolan, a spokesperson for the agency, explained: “This is the first time a temporary structure has been given protected status. I cannot understate the historical importance of the Bolton gazebo. It has become a key battleground in the futurely-historic war against Covid-19. David Starkey is filming there, right now, with a film crew.”

An overview on the Historic England website indicates the gazebo’s prestige: ‘Attendants bloom in hi-viz yellow. Socially distant punctuations upon a desolate concrete landscape evoke a reflective dystopian twist of Wordsworth’s daffodils. No toilets on site.’

Councillor Derek Tattersall, summed-up the implications for the town: “We’ve got big plans to jazz-up the place. It’ll our lockdown Lourdes.”

Image: Unsplash/paul silvan


Categories: Fake News

German election to be decided on penalties

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/27/2021 - 2:00am


Categories: Fake News

Angela Rayner at risk of losing the Scum vote

News Biscuit - Mon, 09/27/2021 - 1:57am


Categories: Fake News

#TakeBackControl means ‘please come back at double the price’, Government confirms

News Biscuit - Sun, 09/26/2021 - 10:55pm

The British Government has confirmed the underlying message of the flagship #TakeBackControl message to Vote Leave was that foreign workers should leave the UK then return to the UK for higher wages.

Critics of British immigration policy had previously contended that European visa conditions allowed European workers to undercut British ones, thereby leading to pervasive unemployment among ‘indigenous Brits’.

However, post-Brexit labour statistics have suggested a different view. But the British Government has now acted in contravention of the earlier implied message by pleading to non-British workers to come to the UK as HGV drivers and fruit pickers amidst a labour shortage in those areas.

A spokesperson confirmed: “Look – we have taken back control: we are taking back control by taking back the workers from whom we had taken back contr
 wait what was the question?”

Image: Pixabay/andreas160578


Categories: Fake News

NewsBiscuit Podcast 6 – available for FREE now

News Biscuit - Sun, 09/26/2021 - 7:00pm

Comedy news from NewsBiscuit.

NewsBiscuit Podcast 6 Sept 2021 – YouTube

Host: Wrenfoe Featuring Guests: Chipchase, Ron Cawleyoni, Antharrison & StanleyMizaru


August 2021






Our book: https://tinyurl.com/ure669ss

Categories: Fake News

New rules for Strictly Come Adultering

News Biscuit - Sun, 09/26/2021 - 4:00am

The BBC is putting the Come into Strictly Come Dancing, as couples are judged and voted off, based on their likelihood of copping off during rehearsals. Extra points are available depending on the length of the marriages that are ruined. A “ten from Len” will require the couple engage in full sex during their Saturday night routine.

One overweight male married celebrity said ‘Strictly curse? An attractive dancer, half naked and half my age grinding on me seems like the opposite of a curse. Anyway, my wife probably won’t leave me and take the kids?’

His dance partner openly wept with Claudia Winkleman, but did dismiss controversy about the Strictly cast’s Covid vaccinations, saying ‘I don’t want foreign bodies inside me, but vaccines are fine.’

To somehow increase the “Britishness” of Strictly, and violating Tess Daly’s restraining order, the 2021 final will be presented by the twitching lecherous reanimated corpse of Bruce Forsyth.



Image:  habanera/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Investment Banks switch status to ‘Casinos’

News Biscuit - Sun, 09/26/2021 - 2:30am

Two of the world’s largest and most respected financial institutions have been granted permission to switch their status from investment banks to super-casinos, offering customers the chance to put their savings into roulette, black jack and Texas Hold ‘em.

Investors at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs will now have their pension funds and mortgages placed on a roulette table, and returns will be based on whether the ball lands on black or red. The move resulted in improved stability in the markets, as some investors saw a slight return on their investments, compared to the universal meltdown of the week before.

The status switch comes after a surprise ruling made yesterday by US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and will allow the two remaining major investment banks to diversify into a ‘wider risk portfolio’. Today in Wall Street, attractive girls dressed in skimpy clothing were outside the bank offering traders a free cocktail if they went inside to try their luck on the tables. Investors were also invited to dine at the banks, where later on they would be entertained by Neil Diamond. Small investors are being told to deposit their money in one of the machines in the entrance to the bank and then pull the lever on the right. The return on their investment now depends on the number of bells that line up in the display panel. As always, customers are reminded that investments may go down as well as up.

In Britain, the Chancellor followed suit by allowing the merger of Lloyd’s TSB and the Copper Cascade Amusement Arcade at Blackpool. The chairman of the bank Sir Giles Cruddock has swapped his City of London office for a little kiosk on the pier, where he now dispenses change and occasionally points at a sign saying that players must be over 16. ‘A lot of our capital is now tied up in two pence coins that look as if they are all about to tumble into the dispenser. We are saying to our customers at this worrying time, ‘keep putting more and more coins in the copper cascade, because you must be due a massive pay out any time now.’ Oi, don’t nudge the machine!’



Image:  TheAndrasBarta/Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Din-dins choo-choo noises replaced with 5:35 from platform 2 delay announcement

News Biscuit - Sat, 09/25/2021 - 11:00pm

Din-dins noises to assist the spoons of food entering the tunnel have been upgraded in accordance with lived experience. The fsh-ti-coo, fsh-ti-coos and the woo-woooos have been cancelled until further notice.

In their place, young ones – and indeed very old ones who still partake and only receive their mashed potato that way – will be upgraded to a modernised service reflecting the real world out there.

Delays to all choo-choos coming from Three Bridges will be blasted out through a megaphone until din-dins are eaten. Except on Sundays, when a replacement bus service to Redhill will be in operation, meaning no food for anyone until much, much later.

In addition, a repeat loop of a crackly announcement will be audible reminding ‘customers’ that if they see a suspicious package, they should inform non-present platform staff immediately. Suspicious packages also include whatever it is that is making that nappy bulge. Which side of the nappy has not been specified here and is purely in your own mind, you filthy bugger.

A mid-autumn suspension of all food services will be dubiously attributed to leaves on the highchair table, and the January timetable will be plagued by the wrong type of snow cone.

Hairplanes flying in from over the mountain have been grounded due to the pandemic. Brum-brum cars are allowed, but the noises must all be silent like the electric vehicles everyone should be driving already.



Image:  Pixabay

Categories: Fake News

Queuing for fuel to be included in driving test

News Biscuit - Sat, 09/25/2021 - 10:57am


Categories: Fake News
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